Pastor Sandy Live!

Aug 29, 2024    Pastor Sandy Garcia

The word breakthrough can be defined as: a military movement or advancement ALL THE WAY through and beyond an enemies' frontline defense.

Isaiah 10:27

The reality of the scripture that says, "greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world" is the reason why I am confident that I will breakthrough anything I'm facing. You're not going under or backwards, forward only. You are a carrier of breakthrough!

Isaiah 40:3-5

John 11:4 this is not unto death

Destroyed means demolish, kill, to bring to an end. The Anointing will destroy any bondage in your life. Bondage is any oppression that holds you back. The yoke of bondage will be destroyed because of the spiritual fatness of the Anointing.

Christ means, the Anointed One and His Anointing.

II Corinthians 4:7, 16

The Anointing is a barrier breaking, obstacle removing, power of God.

Your re-born spirit is a conquering spirit!

4 Truths About Life:

1) The journey of life, at one point or another, is associated with barriers

2) Obstacles or barriers exist to attempt to prevent peoples access to their destination arrival or fulfillment of God's promises for them

3) Barriers and obstacles are both breakable and surmountable (no matter what it looks like, there is no case that is too special or too difficult for God)

There are giants in every man's land. What are yours? What does that mean if God has already told you that the land is yours?

The Bible says of Joshua and Caleb, that they were of a different spirit. They had a spirit of faith.

I Corinthians 6:9

The Apostle Paul said, a great and effectual door has opened unto me, but there are many adversaries, (much opposition). But you STILL possess! Just because there are oppositions does not mean that God has changed His mind. You just have to breakthrough!

You're too anointed to break down, break forward and break through!

Isaiah 60:1: Arise and shine!

Even if your circumstances are not going the way you wanted, your circumstances are subject to change. A fresh wind and fresh strength is coming into your life today! Rise up and move forward!

Isaiah 40:28-31

James 1:2

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy!

Psalm 30:5

Every trouble in your life has an expiration date! It's scriptural to be challenged, it's not scriptural to be defeated.

Isaiah 59:19

The Spirit of the Lord IN ME will raise up a standard against the enemy!

The Goliath that David had to face became the stepping stone for his next promotion. What comes to bring you down, as you conquer and breakthrough, those obstacles will become the stepping stone to your next level!

What the enemy intends to be a setback or a defeat for you, will be a setup for you, as long as you continue and break all the way through!

In the process of your breakthrough, you're going to have to take authority over your feelings and your flesh and speak what God speaks over your life. You have to stay focused on the Word and know that you can and will breakthrough. You are not being setup to fail, you're being setup to manifest the Glory of God.

We need to be strong, not just for ourselves, but for others. The very reason why we make it will be the reason why others make it. Your breakthrough will be the breakthrough for others.