Jesus is Alive

Prison Ministry

"I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me."

Matthew 25:36

 God has given us favor in the prisons. We go into the prisons and preach the gospel frequently and are blessed to be able to bring gifts for the inmates and their families. Sometimes we are able to go in and do a service for all the inmates, other times we are able to do an event for eligible inmates. The events we hold in order for the inmates to see their families are offered for those who are in good standing and are on good behavior. We always are able to present the gospel to the families and to pray with them. It is a blessing to give the children the opportunity to see their parents, many have not seen their families in a long time.

Day with Dads

Christmas at Clemen's

Men's Unit

Women's Unit

Want to give?

You can be apart of going by sowing!

You can click here to give or there is a drop down menu option on any of our giving platforms, please select "Prison Ministry". Your donation will go towards blessing the inmates and their families when we visit. Many have not seen their families for a long time. It's a privilege to bless them with time with their families, gifts, and best of all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Contact the Prison Ministry

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