The Power of Love Church

Where healing waters flow.


The Power of Love Church is a church with a big heart, big vision, and we make a big impact! We do a lot at our local church and for our community. The best way to keep up with us is to download the app! It's available for both Apple and Android users in the app stores. Download it now and start running with us today!

Latest Livestream

Watch our latest livestream or browse our sermon library. There's lots to choose from! All our services are streamed on our website, on our app, or social media. You'll find services, live teachings, guest speakers... incluso servicios en español! They are all loaded with sermon notes, so get your bible out or download our app with the bible on it and dig in!

Church Calendar

There is always something going on at The Power of Love Church and there is something here for everyone! From kids, youth, young adults, men's + women's ministry events, to classes for marriage, discipleship, evangelism, new members, and so much more! Keep an eye on the calendar for what's ahead and explore our connect tab to find out more about our many ministries and ways to get involved!

Current Sign-ups

We offer many classes and events! If there is an event, volunteer opportunity, baptisms, baby dedications, discipleship class, or new members class available to register for, you'll find that here! If you're wondering when the next class is available, keep checking here or feel free to contact us.

Service Times

Sundays at 10:15AM + 6PM

Wednesdays at 7:15PM