Pastor Sandy Live!
Our faith is attached to hope. We have a living hope that is imparted to us by His living Word.
There is then no reason to wonder or be fearful about getting your hope up high. Faith is not a risk. The Word of God is absolute and God is faithful to His Word. Be aggressive. God is promise keeper and a covenant keeper. Others may have betrayed you but your relationship with God is not like your relationship with anyone else. God is not a man that He should lie.
When God speaks something to you that is inline with His Word, He already knows what is going on in the natural in your life. He isn't moved by it and you shouldn't be either.
The Word of God is where our hope and expectation come from. You can't afford to neglect it. Get rid of every excuse of why you can't engage in the Word of God for yourself.
The devil comes for the Word's sake. He can't take it from you. You have to cast it off.
1.) I can expect God's best because He created it for me.
2.) I can expect good news because He sent it to me.
3.) I can expect joy, happiness because He fashioned me.
4.) I can expect divine and exhilarating health because His goodness is all around me.
5.) I can expect genuine love because He forgave me.
6.) I can expect a positive uplift because He encourages and upholds me.
Romans 8:16-17, Ephesians 1:4-14, Jeremiah 29:11