Pastor Sandy Live!
Jesus has made a way for us to reign in life victoriously. Trials can be triumphs for us if we will keep our focus.
What does keeping your focus look like?
1) Being totally committed in a specific assignment
2) Look unwaveringly at your purpose or assignment without distraction
Unwaveringly means having a sound mind. The Word of God builds you a sound mind (Romans 4:20).
You can't quit before your time if you want to see the glory of God on your life. God is faithful to His promise on your life. Your testimony can be that you never wavered.
To waver means: to become unsteady, begin to fail or give way, to flicker or quiver as light, to sway to and frow, to shake or tremble, to feel or show doubt, indecision, to fluctuate, to seesaw, to wobble. Abraham never wavered because he was FULLY convinced. His faith actually grew stronger and it gave glory to God.
To focus means to bring your attention to the center, to concentrate in order to get clarity. The reason why you miss it or fail at something can be traced back to broken focus. It's one of the tactics of the enemy to break your focus. All you have to do is get distracted with what really doesn't matter and that's the beginning of defeat.
Galatians 5:7
You were running so well, who cut in on you?
Focused people don't look at where they are but where they are going.