Pastor Sandy Live!
In the Word is life. The Word of God never changes. Not one word from God is void of power. The powers of darkness did not, cannot, and will not ever overcome the Word of God.
The Word of God is alive. You must see the Word of God operating in you and working in your life. It's scriptural to be challenged but it is unscriptural to be defeated. You can live in continual victory.
Romans 8 says overwhelming victory is ours! It won't be mine later, it's mine now. I'm walking in it continually, when I'm doing well and even when I'm not.
When you're walking in faith then you can expect to see these things manifested in your life.
Jeremiah 23:29
Is not My Word like a fire and like a hammer? The Word of God symbolizes fire to refine, to purify, to en-passion and embolden. It's a light that gets rid of anything that is false and leaves only that which is genuine. It's a hammer that crushes anything that is evil in a heart. It takes you from where you are to where you should be.
You're not just reading. As you read it's changing you.
Romans 12:2
Transformed means to be spiritually transfigured so that it changes your form. It's supernatural.
When you are yielded to the Word of God, you are trusting yourself to the scalpel of the Word of God to do a spiritual surgery that brings transformation.
You cannot be yielded to the Word and engage with it without changing. You can tell when someone has been with Jesus. (Acts 4)
James 1:22-25
You cannot be a hearer only, you must also do what you hear and see in the Word of God or the Word of God will not be effective in your life. You are not yielding to the Word if you are not a doer.
1 Corinthians 13
The Word of God first starts in you. God can only do through you what you allow Him to do in you.
You must be operating in the love of God if you want the Word of God operating in your life. If you are not operating in love then your not being a doer of the Word.