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Matthew 13:44-46
"When they had found" means that they were searching.
You cannot desire change in your life and continue doing the same thing. In the same way, you cannot discover treasure if you're not searching for any.
Deuteronomy 29:29
The secret things belong to God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children.
Concerning the Word of God, the discovery of it is your part. Discovery means: to see, to get knowledge of, to find out, to gain sight or knowledge of something previously unseen or unknown.
Continuing in the written Word eventually becomes the revealed Word; and that's when you become empowered.
If you are going to discover then you must become a seeker. It's not a casual seeking. You must desire it above all else. The kingdom of God is a priceless treasure that is to be placed above all.
The verb seek implies being continually observed in a search for something or making a strenuous and diligent effort in obtaining something. To put in diligent effort, you must know, the searching and the cost of seeking is worth finding those treasures.
The kingdom is to be acquired by giving up everything that would prevent our being apart of it. Selling all means we must transfer our whole heart from other interests to the One Supreme Interest [Jesus].
Matthew 11:12
Mark 11:22-24
Psalm 112:2-3
God is faithful. It's our faith in God that unlocks His blessings upon our life.
Psalm 1:1-3
After seeking and making the discovery of the great things that God has for us, what is the next step? We must ACT on our faith.
Romans 4: Abraham's obedience. There was always corresponding action when God spoke to Abraham.
Faith without action is fake. If you act on your faith, it's not fake. It's living faith that will produce great results in your life. Faith is a spiritual force drawn from the Living Word for living proof that you serve the Living God.
Faith is for change. Faith isn't to help you suffer, it's to thrive in life.
The Word needs to be both, in our heart and in our mouth. If it's too big for your mouth then it's too big for your hand. That means you'll never see the manifestation of it because it must be released from your mouth.
You must affirm it, put action to what you know and believe in your heart! It releases God's creative power to whatever area. To affirm means: to state or assert, to confirm, to express agreement with or commitment, to give approval.
Then, you must commit yourself to your discovery! You cannot be moved. It is as real to you outwardly as it is inwardly even if the circumstances don't look like it! The discovery of it has become your title deed.
Then, you must TAKE! Faith takes. You can only have that aggressiveness when you know what is yours from God. You understand that you have a right to these things all because of what Jesus did.
After we discover a treasure in God's Word, we must ACT:
A - Affirm
C - Commit
T - Take
The secret which leads to the fulfilment of God's promises for your life is simple faith in God. Faith in His Word. Faith acts.
James 2:14-17
II Corinthians 1:20
If it is in God's Word, then it is His will for you. God says, "YES"! His promises are yes and amen.
Ephesians 1:3
Jesus left us His will for our lives in His Word and we need to discover it.
Hebrews 11:1-6
Faith comes by hearing and it works by acting! It cannot just be in your head, it must be in your heart and in your mouth.
Romans 10:9
What you receive from the Word must become real in you before you see it manifested through you. And it must be accepted as God's revealed will for your life.
Our actions are always going to confirm our faith. As our faith remains unwavering under trial, God's covenant cannot fail and God will ALWAYS make His Word good.
Jeremiah 1:12
Luke 1:37
Psalm 89:34
John 10:35
Everything is subject to change, but God's Word will never change.