Pastor Sandy Live!
It's dangerous to have no understanding of what waiting on the Lord means. It's important to understand that God has already done everything He's ever going to do for you. God is not the slow One that you are waiting for Him to move. We must move on His promises in faith in order to inherit them.
Don't allow yourself to get into a place of, "is it going to happen" or "will it ever happen"?
To wait on the Lord means to serve Him. Isaiah 40:30
Ways to Wait on God:
1.) Prayerfully (Psalm 25:3-5, 1 John 5:14-15, Matthew 7:7). When you wait prayerfully then you will be confident in expectation. If you aren't confident then you're not in faith. There is joy and peace in that without wavering.
2.) Patiently (Psalm 37:7). Faith has to be at the forefront of anything that you do for the Lord. Faith and patience is produced by the Spirit of God on the inside of you. It's a fruit of the Spirit of God. Faith is constant and consistent. It's not a matter of whether God will do what He said, it's a matter of you not quitting. Are you going to serve Him consistently with a good heart? Everything can change but not you. We belong to an unshakeable kingdom.
3.) Single-mindedly (Psalm 62:5-8, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 1-3, Isaiah 30:18, James 1:5-8). God alone is my victory and my help, my trust is in Him alone. I'm not looking to man or to circumstances because I'm planted firmly in His Word. God is the God of every season! Isaac sowed in a time of famine and he reaped a hundred fold. Isaiah 30:18
4.) Expectantly (Psalm 62:5-6, Proverbs 23:18). Your hope and expectation is in God alone, therefore is shall not be cut off.