Pastor Sandy Live!

Oct 29, 2024    Pastor Sandy Garcia

The entrance of God's Word brings light. It's like turning the light switch on. It brings spiritual insight.

Because I dwell, then I abide. Because I abide, then I have protection.

When you're dwelling and abiding in God and living in His Word, then you will say. You will speak differently because you are full of Him.

When you say, you activate His promises by faith. This is the gospel that we preach, we believe and therefore we speak.

God said to love Him is to obey Him. When you obey God, He will deliver you. For the people of God there is saftey. God is a strong refuge and tower that the righteous run into and find shelter.

Salvation denotes peace, joy, protection, deliverance, eternal life, right standing with God, provision, healing, and wholeness here on this earth.

God is the Preserver of your life.

Key to preservation of Life:

1.) Victory over fear. What you magnify you will magnetise. Fear is a spirit. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. A stress problem isn't an anxiety problem, it's a lack of the Word. It's your mind not being renewed to the Word of God. Battles are always in the mind, but you have the mind of Christ. Every area that you allow fear in your life is an area that is open to attack. Resisting fear makes you strong.