Pastor Sandy Live!
What impact does it play in the life of a believer when they have a personal knowledge of God?
What does it profit?
1.) To know God is to qualify for the rain. When we have intimacy with God, then we have His rain. When we have His rain then we produce. The knowledge of God will exempt you from any dry season. Jeremiah 17:5-7
2.) Spiritual strength. Daniel 11:32, Joshua 1:8-9, Ephesians 6:10, Proverbs 24:10, Luke 18:1, Philippians 3:10. Relationship results in spiritual strength. You ought always to pray and faint not.
The knowledge of how faithful your God is will keep you moving forward only. Grace, favor, perfect well-being, spiritual prosperity (freedom from fear, moral conflicts and agitating passions) and peace cannot be obtained any other way than through the knowledge of God. 2 Peter 1:2