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When you are aware of the Holy Spirit, it helps you to be aware/sensitive in your human spirit.
I Corinthians 9:27
The "I" Paul was talking about was his own human spirit.
Proverbs 20:27
God is a Spirit and when He guides us, He leads us through our human spirit.
We need to be led by our spirit and not by our emotions.
John 16:13 - He will lead us in all truth
John 17:17 - Thy Word is truth
John 6:63 - the flesh profits nothing
Romans 8:9
You have no obligation to obey your emotions or to do what the flesh wants to do. If you live by it's dictates, you will die.
No one can be lead or guided except by placing yourself in the hands of the guide.
If your faith is to be strong, it must be placed in God's Word.
You must submit yourself to God, place your life in the hands of the Spirit of God, Who is your Guide. You have to allow yourself to be guided. Place yourself in the hands of the Guider, the Holy Spirit. You learn to train your human spirit to listen to the Holy Spirit. It's pointless to try to teach your human spirit to hear the Holy Spirit if you won't allow yourself to be guided.
A guide is there to explain things to us and to show us the way. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in ALL truth and in EVERY affair of your life.
How do you train your human spirit to be led by the Spirit of God?
1) By meditating on the Word of God
Joshua 1:8, to meditate on the Word is to put it in your heart, eyes, mouth, to think on, to mutter. THEN you will have good success, you will know what direction to and decision to make.
2) Be a doer of the Word
James 1:22
3) Give the Word first place in your life
Proverbs 4:20-22, there are rich dividends for doing this.
4) Obey the voice of the Spirit
When you do these things then you can trust the voice of your human spirit, as you are training and yielding it to the Spirit of God.