Pastor Sandy Live!

Aug 8, 2024    Pastor Sandy Garcia

Faith is your covenant Access! We know faith is working by:

1) Actions

2) Utterance

3) Obedience

We will talk about obedience in part 4 and continue today again on Utterance.

Your words carry power! Your faith is released by your words. Romans 10:9

In 1 Samuel 17:41, by faith David declared the outcome of the battle to Goliath before it even happened. David did not even own a sword but told Goliath that he would cut off his head and feed it to the birds! He declared victory by his faith in God even when the circumstances and appearances in the natural were opposed to his declaration.

Your mouth was made to work triumph for you. The heart and the mouth must be connected. So if you believe it, get busy speaking!

When you speak a thing you are aligning yourself with that path. If you are declaring, your faith is working!

Joshua 1:8

God's first charge to Joshua was about his mouth! This book shall not depart out of your mouth. Secondly, God charged Joshua to do all that was in it. THEN you will make your way prosperous and you will make yourself a good success!