Pastor Sandy Live!

Sep 5, 2024    Pastor Sandy Garcia

Colossians 3:1-3

If you were raised with Christ, set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Your life is hidden with Christ in God. If your serious with God, keep your eyes on heavenly things and not on the things of this earth. What you focus on matters.

Revelation 12:11-12

A child of God is an overcomer in this world by their faith in Christ!

Salvation is your inheritance if you are a child of God. That includes more than eternal life. It includes healing, divine health and divine providence. You are hidden with Christ in God, divinely protected and preserved! In order for the enemy to touch you, he will have to get through God.

15 Conditions of the Blessings of Psalm 91

1) Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High, under His shadow (being in relationship with Him)

2) Affirm that God is your refuge

3) Affirm that God is your fortress

4) Affirm that God is your God

5) Affirm that God is your trust

6) Have confidence in God as your deliverer from every snare and pestilence

7) Have confidence in God's protection

8) Make His truth your shield and buckler

9) Be not afraid of any danger, terror, or destructions

10) Have confidence that the plagues slaying thousands all around you will not come near you

11) Make God your refuge

12) Make God your habitation

13) Set your love on God

14) Know the name (authority) of God

15) Call upon God in prayer