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I Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child I spoke, thought, and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.
Luke 15:11-17
The Prodigal Son wasted all his inheritance. That is a characteristic of childish people; they are wasters.
v 17 When he came to his senses (or to the end of himself).. he got serious.
The prodigal son had his own plans and his Father let him do what he wanted. You have to want what Father wants, He won't force His will on you.
Childish ways:
- Doing it your own way
- Childish attitudes
- Excuses
- Blaming others
God has a way of doing things and we must do it His way.
Psalm 127:1
Isaiah 55:8
John 15:7
When Peter walked on water, Jesus did not push him out of the boat. He simply said come. Peter had to put an action to his faith.
God doesn't bless desires, He weighs our actions. You can have Godly desires from the Lord, but you have to put an action to that desire before He can bless it.
Getting Serious
1) Put away childish things
2) Come to the end of yourself
3) Do it God's way
4) Get rid of excuses
5) Build your life upon a solid foundation (God's Word tells us how to do that - Matthew 7:24)
Philippians 3:13-14
Forget the past and look forward.
Disconnect yourself from anything that will pull you backwards and then move forward. Whether that is a thought, a person, a mindset, a habit, or anything that keeps you from moving forward in the call of God. Who are you patterning your life after? Who are you allowing to influence you?