21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Jan 13, 2025    Pastor Sandy Garcia

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life! You are the guardian of your own heart.

Mark a straight path for your life so that are weak and lame will not fall by watching you but that they would be strong! (Hebrews 12:13) How do you mark a straight path? By the Word of God.

2 Timothy 2:4 Soldiers don't get tied up in the civilian affairs of life or else they can't please the officer who enlisted them. Who enlisted you? Jesus did. Athletes can't win a prize without following the rules. Farmers should be the first ones to enjoy the fruits of their labor. You must stay focused.

1 Corinthians 7:20 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. Know what your calling is. Know what your aim and your target is. Then when distractions come, you can recognize them and stay focused. No one else can do that for you. Every man is accountable for themselves.

Three definitions of focused:

1.) totally committed or absorbed in a specific assignment.

2.) the intense ability to look unwaveringly [single-minded] at your purpose or assignment without distraction [consistent].

3.) to bring your attention to the center to concentrate on the one thing intently in order to get clarity.

Get your focus on. Know what you are looking at.

Philippians 3:13 Forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead.

Matthew 6:22 Keep a single eye. People fail often from broken focus. It's dangerous to get side-tracked. You will end up going further off-course than you intended to go. Proverbs 4:25 says, "look straight ahead, don't look to the right or to the left".

Common distractions: people, opportunities, invitations, attitudes, unforgiveness, offense.

Don't let people pull you their way. You pull them into the things of God.

The Anointing is to remove stagnation, to propel you, to see a release of potential on your life, and to see destiny restoration, that's why it's important to stay focused.

Who is your enemy and who are your friends?

Your enemy is anyone who breaks your focus from your God-given assignment on your life. When people want you and your time but they don't want your God, that's not your friend. You need to recognize those people in your life and cut ties.

Your friend is anyone who helps you or equips you to follow and focus on God's instructions for your life.

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. People who help you do that are your friend. People should mark you by this, they should know that you are focused.

The easiest way the enemy can steal your focus is by distracting you with other things.