21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Jan 2, 2025    Pastor Sandy Garcia

Join us in the Bible Reading plan for the next 21 days!

There are tips for starting your fast in the Bible Reading Plan discussion. Enable notifications under settings in the App if you are participating with us! You can find the recommended reading with links to purchase in the Reading Plan Discussion page.

Go back and watch Sunday Night's message on Fasting in the App. It's loaded with notes to study.

The fast God desires is seen in Isaiah 58 and obedience to it will bring:

1.) Fresh Light [revelation & insight] will break forth like the morning. Light is revealed knowledge. The Word brings light and light is a lifter of your life. Light puts you over and extinguishes darkness. Wisdom will come upon your life to let you know which way to go and what direction to take for your life (Psalm 119:105). The level of light you walk in will determine the freedom you walk in (John 8:31-32, Romans 12:2). Light also refers to the favor of God. Fasting and prayer provokes the favor of God in your life (Psalm 84:11).

2.) Expedited Healing! Divine healing will quickly manifest. Healing was purchased by the blood of Jesus. We do not earn healing. Fasting and prayer is one avenue that we can activate and receive healing through obedience to the Word. There are also many physical benefits to fasting that can provoke natural healing in your body.

3.) Obstacles Removed. Your righteousness shall go before you (Jeremiah 23:6). The Lord will go ahead of us and prepare the way. He'll warn us of things to come and He will fight on our behalf (Isaiah 45:2-3).

Topics we will cover on The Profitability from Prayer & Fasting:

1.) Divine Encounters with God

2.) Striking Light, Insight from Scripture

3.) Forceful Deliverance & Freedom

4.) Renewed Physical Health & Strength

5.) Rekindle of Spiritual Passion & Intimacy with God

6.) Renewed Spiritual Power & Authority

7.) The Release of Divine Guidance & Direction