Sunday Night Service

Sep 1, 2024    Pastor Sandy Garcia

Faith is drawn from the Living Word for living proof. Faith is for results.

Faith is one of the most important mysteries of the Kingdom of God. God is mysterious to outsiders, but to His children, His mysteries are revealed. His secrets belong to His children.

Mark 4:11

I Timothy 3:16 NLT

Faith is spiritual. It cannot naturally be explained, neither can it be denied.

Faith is like a muscle. It can be strong or weak. You build up your faith in the Word and prayer and then you go out and exercise it!

Faith is a mystery because, in the Kingdom of God, faith is the key to everything.

Mark 9:23

Jesus said, "What do you mean IF I can? ANYTHING is possible, if you believe." Don't limit a limitless God!

Say this: I am a believer! Therefore, ALL things are possible to me!

Your faith in God positions you in the realm of impossibility! Those things that were coming against you, by your faith, now they are working for you! You don't have a problem, all you need is faith in God!

There's a rest in faith because even when circumstances look stressful, you understand that all things are subject to change because of your faith!

I John 5:4

Your faith has to be placed somewhere! That's why faith begins where the will of God is known. We know the Word of God is yes and amen! You are an heir of God's promises, so make sure you read the will!

Jesus is beautifying His bride right now. He's not coming back for a side-chick, He's coming back for His bride!

Your faith in God will ALWAYS bring you to a place of triumph no matter the battle. Don't look at how difficult the situation is, look at how big your God is! Faith is your victory!

Matthew 9:29

According to your faith, let it be done unto you. Your victory is not a matter of whether you will get it, it's a matter of "do you believe"? Your victory is in no one else's hands. It's not according to anyone else, not even the devil.

With a change of levels in your faith, comes a change of levels in your testimony!

Hebrews 11:6

Without faith it's impossible to please God. Faith is the assurance, confirmation, substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. When your faith in God is assured, your not seeking a confirmation. It's as good as done. It's the same as possessing the title deed. A title deed is ownership. The Holy Spirit tells you it's yours, He convicts you of the reality of it.

Faith in Him commits His integrity to you for supernatural intervention.

Acts 27:21-26

Don't be afraid. It will be just as God said!

God will make all things work for your good! Enter into a rest by your faith. He will make even your enemies to be at peace with you.

Psalm 46:10

Be still (let God be God) and know (intimately, experientially), that I am God. In your own power you can't change anyone, but God can do all things. God can change your situation and your circumstances.