Sunday Night Service
In order for you to get the benefits out of your time of prayer and fasting, you need to have understanding. The Biblical definition of fasting means, to close the mouth. To "fast" from tv or social media is not a biblical fast, however cutting out those things in order to focus on the Lord is a good thing.
Corporately, we fast from 6am to 6pm, fluids only. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is a Biblical fast found in 2 Chronicles 20:3-6. The Jewish day was from sunset to sunset in 8 equal parts. The end of the 4th watch to the beginning of the 1st watch would be sunrise to sunset, 6am to 6pm, or first hour to ninth hour. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, under 18, or over 70 years old we do not recommend that you fast. However, everyone can pray and set time aside to seek the Lord with us corporately.
Reasons to Fast:
1.) Obedience. Jesus said we should fast and pray (Luke 5:33-39, Matthew 9:14-17)
2.) Emulate the Master. Follow the example of Jesus and others as they follow Him.
3.) Humble yourself before the Lord (Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6-7, 2 Chronicles 4:17, 2 Chronicles 26:5, Jeremiah 17:1-8). God resists the proud but humility attracts the blessing of God.
When you fast, comb your hair, brush you teeth, put makeup on, continue to work with excellence (Matthew 6:17).
Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. When do we stop imitating someone? When they are no longer imitating Christ.
If we want to do the works of Jesus, we must imitate Him (John 14:12). No man is greater than his Master.
The fast God desires is seen in Isaiah 58 and obedience to it will bring:
1.) Fresh Light [revelation & insight] will break forth like the morning. Light is revealed knowledge. The Word brings light and light is a lifter of your life. Light puts you over and extinguishes darkness. Wisdom will come upon your life to let you know which way to go and what direction to take for your life (Psalm 119:105). The level of light you walk in will determine the freedom you walk in (John 8:31-32, Romans 12:2). Light also refers to the favor of God. Fasting and prayer provokes the favor of God in your life (Psalm 84:11).
2.) Expedited Healing! Divine healing will quickly manifest. Healing was purchased by the blood of Jesus. We do not earn healing. Fasting and prayer is one avenue that we can activate and receive healing through obedience to the Word. There are also many physical benefits to fasting that can provoke natural healing in your body.
3.) Obstacles Removed. Your righteousness shall go before you (Jeremiah 23:6). The Lord will go ahead of us and prepare the way. He'll warn us of things to come and He will fight on our behalf (Isaiah 45:2-3).