Wednesday Night Service

Oct 9, 2024    Pastor Jesse Gallardo

John 1:1

The Word is Jesus.

The Anointing is in the Word. The Word creates.

Every battle, won or lost, is in the mind.

John 6:35

Jesus is the Bread of Life.

Romans 12:2

Renew your mind so that you can prove what is good, acceptable, and the perfect will of God.

When a person is born-again, the first thing God asks the person to do is to renew their mind.

John 14:21

The person who really loves Me is the one who keeps my commands. God said, I will reveal Myself to that person.

Matthew 25:23

The faithful steward gives what they received and God will give them more.

Isaiah 40:3

Prepare your heart to meet the Lord.

Matthew 3:1-3

John the Baptist was a Prophet of God who prepared the peoples' hearts to meet Jesus. How do you prepare to meet Jesus? Repentance, get born of the Spirit, and change the way you think.

The Word repent means, to turn to God and leave your sin behind.

Luke 3:2-3

Study the Word of God and it will come into you.

Mark 16:15-18

Go and publish the Gospel.

Proverbs 26:2

A curse without cause will not come on the undeserving.